Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act

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Call: (308)-432-6190
In-Person: 430 E 2nd St.
Chadron, NE 69337
If your intrested in promoting the NiRIA in your office please reach out. Feel free to use any of the material linked.
Attached below is a handout that can be distributed.
Click Here: NiRIA_Handout
W-9 and Citizenship forms will need to be submitted
Forms available at unwnrd office!
LB 1368 (2024) established the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA), Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 2-411 to 2-417, a state program to provide incentives to producers for reducing the use of commercial fertilizers. The requirements of NiRIA are that producers verify a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates as the lesser of 40 pounds per acre or 15% of their baseline application rate.
The Department of Natural Resources (Department) in partnership with local Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) and input from producers and commercial entities have developed this guidance document to define target areas and criteria for this new program. This guidance document will be reviewed annually to determine if program modifications are necessary.
NiRIA will be operative beginning with the 2025 growing season and is scheduled to terminate on December 31, 2029. Total funding currently available for the program is capped at $1 million.
Priority Areas and Incentive Payments:
The Department and NRDs have determined the program will operate under three priority areas (Figure 1) and will be offered to corn, sugar beet, and potato producers. Priority A Area will be wellhead protection areas and phase II, or higher phase areas established by an NRD, for purposes of water quality management. Priority B Area will be areas throughout the state that have been certified to irrigate crops. Priority C Areas will be all other areas of the state, including dryland. Contact UNWNRD to know which Priority Area you are in. Figure 1 data is supplied by NeDNR permitted irrigated lands, wellhead protection areas, and NRD phase areas as of June 28, 2024.