About Us
Informational Emails
Upper Niobrara White NRD offers emails subscription for those desiring information reguarding the district. By providing your name and email address you will join the emailing list. Some of the informtion can include but not limited to:
–> Conservation Programs
–> Cost Share information
–> Tree Sales
–> Producer Spotlight
–> Picture Contest
–> Educational material
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NRDs have been given broad responsibilities to deal with a variety of natural resources issues including erosion, flood prevention, soil conservation, ground and surface water, pollution control, wildlife habitat, recreational facilities, forestry and range management. To perform these duties, NRDs use a combination of grant funds, revenues generated through programs, State dollars, and property taxes. Each District is governed by a locally elected Board of Directors, which ensures that local issues and concerns are addressed.
Nebraska’s natural resources vary greatly across the state. The Upper Niobrara White NRD contains Box Butte, Dawes, Sheridan and the upper 80% of Sioux Counties. This Northwest Nebraskan District is approximately 4.5 million acres comprised of the Pine Ridge forest, Sandhills, rangelands and crop ground. Fortunately, the local control granted to NRDs through elected Boards allows each District to address their particular issues with local solutions and relevant projects and programs.
Today, Nebraska’s unique system of locally-controlled, tax-funded, watershed-based conservation is widely admired throughout the nation.
Under Nebraska state law, NRDs are charged with:
- Erosion prevention and control
- Prevention of damages from flood water and sediment
- Flood prevention and control
- Soil conservation
- Water supply for any beneficial uses
- Development, management, utilization, and conservation of groundwater and surface water
- Pollution control
- Solid waste disposal and drainage
- Drainage improvement and channel rectification
- Development and management of fish and wildlife habitat
- Development and management of recreational and park facilities
- Forestry and range management
Make a Positive Impact on your Environment & Community
We are not currently hiring
(308) 432-6190
(308) 432-6187
430 East Second Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
For specific contact information related to UNWNRD Board and Staff, please see the Contact Us page.
To learn more about Nebraska’s NRDs, please see the ‘Links’ page.