
    Voluntary Integrated Management Plan

    Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District (UNWNRD) has elected to develop a voluntary Integrated Management Plan (VIMP) in cooperation with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) for the portion of the District that is not classified as “fully appropriated” for water uses.

    Zoom video Meeting held November 12, 2020- Recorded

    Voluntary IMP Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting #1 Notes


    University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension Publications

    How Nitrates can effect your Heath

    The Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) has studies ongoing reguarding the linkages between consuming nitrates (in drinking water) and human health sideaffects. A growing body of studies indicate potential associations between nitrate consumption and increased heart rate, nausea, headaches, thyroid disease, and cancers such as colorectal, bladder, ovarian, and kidney. A new flyer released by UNMC and Nebraska Extension explains what nitrate is and the health risks of consuming it, tells how people can protect their families from nitrate contaminated drinking water, and also explains how nitrate is getting into drinking water resources in areas of substantial agricultural production.  

    Links & Forms


    Rules and Regulations


    Integrated Water Management Plan


    Permit to Construct a Water Well

    (308) 432-6190

    (308) 432-6187

    Mailing Address:
    430 East Second Street
    Chadron, Nebraska 69337

    For specific contact information related to UNWNRD Board and Staff, please see the ‘About Us’ page.

    To learn more about Nebraska’s NRDs, please see the ‘Links’ page.